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Faith that Causes Amida to Weep

Over and over, through the words “How genuine, the true words of Amida that embrace us and never forsake us,” I was taught the truth of Amida’s Vow. The teaching of Śākyamuni that all things are transitory, and the uncompromising words of Master Shinran that “all is empty and foolish, without a grain of truth” are both grounded in the truth of Amida’s Vow. This was made perfectly clear.

“Amida’s Vow is true, so the teachings of Śākyamuni, who devoted his life to teaching Amida’s Vow, can also be said to be true.” That statement is the exact reverse of the self-power faith that reasons, “It must be so since that’s what the greatest man who ever lived, Śākyamuni Buddha, taught.” Master Shinran’s words are the expression of other-power faith, which takes Amida’s Vow as ultimate truth and does not budge even if Śākyamuni should waver, I realized to my astonishment.

Everything is turned on its head. How should I listen and hear in order to be saved? The mind that believes it is capable of listening intently in this manner continues to linger, but Amida Buddha comes after all who seek any pretext to escape him, seeking to bring us aboard the Vow-ship of his salvation just as we are, with the three poisonous blind passions and upside-down, deluded thoughts. When I heard of this great compassion, I realized what tears my conceit and arrogance cost Amida. Grateful for the tremendous Vow-power that has dragged me to The Two-thousand-Mat Hall, I can only go forward into the light. (Dr. C) Gifu (Anime lecturer)

Tomohisa Sato

Source: The Buddhist Village Times #23 | 2013, Faith that Causes Amida to Weep


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