Let’s Turn the Anniversary of Someone’s Death into a Day of Listening to Buddhism

Niigata city
“My daughter led me here,” says Mineko Furukawa who received the correct object of reverence on March 2. A few years ago she lost her only daughter that she cherished so much. She was stunned by the sudden parting from her and cried every day. Then she wondered, “What happened to her after she died and what will happen to me when I die?”
At that time, somehow she was riminded of her grandmother who made it a habit to visit the temple after she lost her son in the war.
Last spring, she started listening to an audio tape of the Buddhist monthly magazine, which she had learned about through a flyer. Then she joined the lecture and learned that Amida Buddha’s salvation happens now, while we are alive, “I’m very happy to become a Shinran follower, and my heart that used to be so heavy and full of suffering is now set free and so bright. Until now, I was just shedding tears on the anniversary of my daughter’s death. But from now on, I’m determined to change it into a day of listening to Buddhism.”
Source: The Buddhist Village Times #28 | 2013, Let’s Turn the Anniversary of Someone’s Death into a Day of Listening to Buddhism
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