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My Son Has Entirely Changed!

Much Thankfulness to Buddhism.

“I would really like you to meet my father and teach him the law of cause and effect.”

Paolo Tomka (pictured), who was learning Japanese in Kyoto, sent a serious email to the missionary Sumie Ochiai in the USA.

She visited Paolo’s father, Charles, and talked with him. The next day, he came to the lecture on Buddhism. He told Sumie in a voice charged with deep emotion how his son had changed:

“Our father-son ties were broken for a long time, but after Paolo came to listen to Buddhism, he started to read me one episode every night from Something You Forgot… Along the Way through the Internet. I’m really thankful to Buddhism for entirely changing my son, who was out of hand.”

Paolo took part in training at the Buddhist Academy around the end of September. He is eager to go on the supreme path with his family members.

Source: The Buddhist Village Times #10 | 2011, My Son Has Entirely Changed!


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