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"Shoshinge, Hymn of True Faith, is for me."

In January last year, my husband died. I’ve been so lonely since then...”

Miwako Suzuki (age 61, Hokkaido) went to an animation screening in March of this year after having seen Master Shinran’s name on a flier advertising the event. “I was especially impressed with The Tragedy of Osha Castle. No matter how many times I watch this animation, I end up in tears. Vaidehi forgot about the seeds that she herself had sown and blamed her misfortune on others – I saw myself in her.”

Miwako was really astonished to know that in The Hymn of True Faith, it is written that Vaidehi was clearly saved by Amida Buddha in this life. Although Miwako married into a family belonging to one sect of Zen Buddhism, her family asked their local Shin Buddhist temple to do her husband’s funeral. On this ocaision, she converted to Pure Land Shin Buddhism.

“After that, I started to read The Hymn of True Faith seriously. At first, I was reading to console my deceased husband. However, when I read the transcription of the Hymn of True Faith, I came to think that it must have been written for people who are alive. Since then I’ve wanted to know what it meant.”

Now Miwako is eager to share Amida’s salvation with her precious family. When she handed the Buddhist magazine to one of her family members who is struggling with an illness, she got absorbed in reading it. She even started raising many questions one after another to her. She came to realize that she is the one who has to learn the teachings more.

She joined a Seigohonzon granting ceremony during the 55th Anniversary and became a Shinran follower. With tears flowing down her face, she said, “I’m sure that my husband guided me to this opportunity.”

Miwako Suzuki, Hokkaido

Source: The Buddhist Village Times #36 | 2014, "Shoshinge, Hymn of True Faith, is for me."


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