Frank Gives A Buddhist Lecture at Two Colleges
Frank Costelloe held lectures on Buddhism at two colleges in the Philippines recently. A professor whom Frank got to know through Facebook invited him to talk about Buddhism at his college. He showed the animated movie The Tragedy of Rajagrha and talked for 1.5 hours on the Law of Cause and Effect. All of the 70 or so students in attendence—moste of whom were first year philosophy students—were nodding along.
Frank said it was a wonderful experience to talk about the Law of Karma and show the true story of Rajagrha in front of a large group of people. Upon being asked what they liked the most from what they learned, several students picked the animation, especially the part where Queen Vaidehi was saved. One student said, “It’s amazing how one’s anger turns into happiness after salvation.”
Frank also talked about the Law of Cause and Effect at another college on the director’s request. When the director heard Frank explain the Law of Cause and Effect, he was so amazed that he wanted his students to hear it too. He said “It is important to teach practical skills but what is most important is the education of the heart. But students don’t have such an opportunity.”
Forty people attended, filling the college’s lecture hall. Frank gave them printouts with a summary of the Law of Cause and Effect and one story from Something You Forgot... Along the Way. He was moved at how attentively everyone listened. Later he put a picture of this lecture up on Facebook, which roused even more more people’s interest in Buddhism. Frank hopes to give more lectures at different colleges.
Source: The Buddhist Village Times #65 | 2016, Frank Gives A Buddhist Lecture at Two Colleges
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