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The F-Building was Filled to Overflowing for the Myogo Granting Ceremony

Through the Vow power of the Supreme Buddha, Shinrankai activities have picked up at full speed and have drawn in more and more people who have a strong bond with Buddhism. To the world’s amazement, more than 100 new Shinran Followers were bestowed the Myogo at the ceremony on February 7.

The place where the ceremony was held, the F-Building, was filled to capacity with people from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Everyone shared their joy at encountering Buddhism with new Buddhist friends. All participants received the Myogo after they learned about its importance from a lecture given by the Buddhist teacher Masakatsu Nakamura. They promised each other to listen to Buddhism seriously to its finishing line, when Amida Buddha directly grants Namu Amida Butsu.

One participant in her 20s from Tokyo commented with a huge smile on her face, “The Myogo of Namu Amida Butsu has the tremendous power to break through the dark mind, which is the root cause of suffering. That is why the Myogo is the most important thing for fulfilling the purpose of life. I promise to handle the Myogo with extreme care and listen to Buddhism more seriously.”

Source: The Buddhist Village Times #51 | 2015, The F-Building was Filled to Overflowing for the Myogo Granting Ceremony


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The Buddhist Village Times #51

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