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An Unforgettable Experience

I started learning Master Shinran’s teachings 13 years ago. I have always felt a vague unease with regards to death. I was surprised to know that Master Shinran taught that we can solve the crucial matter of the afterlife. For a while I was away from Buddhism, but I became a Shinran Follower again after attending a webinar that I was invited to.

Last year, I got married and moved to Saitama Prefecture, and then I heard about the opening of the Saitama-Kumagaya Shinran Center. A few days later in May of this year, I officially transferred to the Yasuhiro Ito Chapter. For four months since then, we were given various opportunities to make it happen, and finally it has come true — a Shinran Center has opened in our town.

Looking back, I can’t help thinking that all of this was guided by Amida Buddha. At the Q&A session during the grand opening event, Takamori-sensei explained the term ‘shingi keppan’ as being the evaluation of whether or not we have true faith. We learned that what Master Shinran taught about was not ‘doubt-ridden faith’ but only ‘true faith’, which is the absolute happiness that we will attain when we are saved by Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow. I came to know that attaining this is the very purpose of my life. This was a rare opportunity that I’ll never forget as long as I live. But this is just the beginning; we will take good care of our Shinran Center and spread the truth to as many people as possible.

Aya Saito, Saitama prefecture

Source: The Buddhist Village Times #34 | 2013, An Unforgettable Experience


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