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True Teachers are So Sorely Needed Right Now

It has been a pleasure to be able to attend your lectures directly, and I found the whole 55th Anniversary event to be quite impressive. This time, I was given more of an opportunity than ever to contribute to the event. I proof-read the translated video scripts and speeches, and I also made voice recordings for the translated videos as well as reading out translated speeches during the event. I enjoy proof-reading, translation, and voice-acting greatly, and it was a joy to be able to do these things.

The more I listen to Buddhism, the more I see how great it is. But sadly, in this modern age of corruption, there are even people that try to use Buddhism to justify committing acts of violence and murder, like in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. This is because they do not know the true teachings. It is precisely because of things like this that true teachers are so sorely needed right now, and why you, Takamori-sensei, are so very precious. There is no one that conveys true Buddhism as clearly as you do. This can be evidenced in how diligently Shinran Followers are following the teachings. Never have I come across another religious organization in which the followers act with benevolence and avoid malevolence to the extent of what I have seen in Shinrankai. If only the people of Myanmar and Sri Lanka were listening to your sermons! I hope that in the future, all people across the world get to hear the teachings as you convey them. I am certain that a world in which people start to walk the path to the truth by entering the 19th Gate would be a much more peaceful world.

Recently I started transcribing a lecture of yours from 2001, and I will translate it and later record a voice-over. I will do my best to create a translation that is as accurate as possible. Once it is done, I hope to be able to show it to my family and friends in Britain.

Nicola Gant, Britain

Source: The Buddhist Village Times #35 | 2014, True Teachers are So Sorely Needed Right Now


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