At Last the Message Is on Its Way to Us in Beautiful English
The spring wind has carried to us a wonderful present. Starting from this month, the in-progress English translation of the sequel to You Were Born for A Reason, Naze Ikiru 2, will run in Beacon! ('Naze Ikiru' means 'Why We Live'.) Takamori-sensei's book Naze Ikiru 2 was published by Ichimannendo Publishing in mid-December of 2013. Naze Ikiru 2 is the sequel to You Were Born For A Reason. The original Japanese version of the latter, Naze Ikiru, has sold over 880,000 copies.
In the previous book, You Were Born For A Reason, Takamori- sensei clarified the true purpose of life, which remains unchanged across time and space, through the words of Master Shinran, examining the life views of a variety of writers and philosophers along the way.
Master Shinran declared that the purpose of our lives is getting aboard the Vow-ship of Amida's great compassion and passing pleasantly over the ceaseless waves of suffering in the sea of life, thus obtaining the joy of living that exults, 'How glad I am that I was born a human being!' and living in everlasting happiness.
The theme of You Were Born For a Reason was the real existence of the Vow-ship of Amida's great compassion. But how can we get aboard this "Vow-ship of great compassion" and attain joy for life? In Naze Ikiru 2, Takamori-sensei answers this question that all humanity is asking through the words of Master Shinran. Starting from this month's issue, we will present to you the in-progress English translation of Naze Ikiru 2 piece by piece.
How exciting it is to receive such a magnificent present from Amida Buddha and Master Shinran! Your feedback is welcome.
Source: The Buddhist Village Times #60 | 2016, At Last the Messgae Is on Its Way to Us in Beautiful English
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The Buddhist Village Times #60