Animated Master Shinran Inspires Many in Japan
The series of the animated biography, Master Shinran: The Light of the World has been shown all over Japan, amazing many followers of...
A Scale that Permeates through the Three Worlds and the Ten Directions
The self is what we want to know the most, yet it is the thing that we understand the least. This is why we worry so much about others’...
Master Shinran's Purpose for Writing Shoshinge
Master Shinran told us himself at the end of the work. Dō zoku jishū gu dōshin Yui ka shin shi kōsō setsu Dō means priests, zoku means...
What is the Purpose of Having Been Born Human?
Last December, several people I was familiar with passed away. Those people must have been full of hope towards the New Year and would...
Amida’s Salvation is Unconditional
Alice Marsh Missionary I was so grateful that you held a lecture for us the missionaries although you were extremely busy with writing...
Deepening our Friendship
Eishi Kodama Missionary, Tokyo After Gotane, I reviewed the Buddhist lecture with Ryu Enkun, a Chinese graduate student and four...
Let’s Turn the Anniversary of Someone’s Death into a Day of Listening to Buddhism
Niigata city “My daughter led me here,” says Mineko Furukawa who received the correct object of reverence on March 2. A few years ago she...
Suffering will not be a Hindrance
Our lives are too short and suffering comes endlessly, one kind after another. It is just as Śākyamuni Buddha said: “Life is suffering.”...
My Son Has Entirely Changed!
Much Thankfulness to Buddhism. “I would really like you to meet my father and teach him the law of cause and effect.” Paolo Tomka...
Showing the Animated Movie in Brazil
Touched by “The Tragedy at Rajagrha” In Brazil, the animated movie “The Tragedy at Rajagrha” is becoming more popular and increasing...