Where Did My Late Wife’s Soul Go
My wife of 35 years passed away in September 2010. Abashed by the sudden wind of impermanence, I lost my motivation to go on and barely...
The Language Barrier Defeated
The Language Barrier Defeated Amida’s Vow is for all people, without exception. However, it is a very sad reality that so many people do...
The Great Dharma Wheel Rolls into the Capital of Brazil
On arriving in Brazil, July 7, without taking a rest, Missionary Chief Mitsuharu Takamori delivered a lecture on Master Shinran’s...
Absolute Happiness Can Be Achieved Now
Absolute Happiness Can Be Achieved Now In general use, “Heizei” means “usually” or “daily” and describes the time when you are alive....
An Unprecedented Number of Shinran Followers Fills The 2,000-Mat Hall at Gotan-e
(The Celebration of Master Shinran’s Birth) Gotan-e, the celebration of Master Shinran’s birth, was held at the Shinrankai Headquarters...
I am Not Only My Physical Body
I am Not Only My Physical Body Having heard in the lecture that the dark mind means the mind of being ignorant regarding what happens...
Shinranʼs Teachings and Memorial Services
Can Sutra Reading Save the Dead? By Kentetsu Takamori Q: There is a common saying that the greatest feast for the dead is the reading of...
It Is a Wonder that the Sour Turns into Sweetness
It Is a Wonder that the Sour Turns into Sweetness Yukimasa Aoyama, Kanagawa Prefecture There are two things in particular that made an...
Own Cause, Own Effect ― No Exceptions
Until I started listening to Buddhism, there were cases when the idea that one’s own causes bring one’s own effects was simply...
The Castles of the Six-Character Name, Where the Orthodox Teachings are Taught
The combined event for the 55th anniversary of Jodo Shinshu Shinrankai, and the congregation to repay our debt of gratitude to Master...