Let Us Celebrate the New Year with This Song!
I would like to introduce a beautiful song translated by Prof. Juliet Winters Carpenter. She is the world-famous translator who...
One-point lesson on Buddhist terminology
1. The Supreme Path This means “The Supreme Teaching,” referring to the Supreme Buddhaʼs Vow (Amida Buddhaʼs Vow), which was taught by...
Toyama- Kurobe Shinran Center is Completed
On the completion of Toyama Kurobe Center in Kurobe City in central east Toyama Prefecture, the inauguration ceremony and celebration...
Now is the Time to Tell Others the Existence of the Grand Ship
Letters from Buddhist Friends Master Shinran clearly conveys the existence of a great ship named Amida Buddha’s Vow to all human beings...
Amida’s Vow is True and Real! (Part 4)
(Read previous part HERE) Shinran followers Cannot Stay Still Bita Asakura I was very happy to join the Ho’on’ko Event in Japan in...
Amida’s Vow is True and Real! (Part 3)
(Read Previous Part HERE) Faith that Causes Amida to Weep Tomohisa Sato Over and over, through the words “How genuine, the true words of...
Amida’s Vow is True and Real! (Part 2)
(Read previous part HERE) Tears Overflow without Cease Akiko Hijikata I learned that the “true words that embrace us and never forsake...
Amida’s Vow is True and Real! (Part 1)
Shinran Followers Rejoice at Thanksgiving Sermon Translated by Juliet Carpenter The Great Premise— The Truth of Amida’s Vow It is real!...
Why Did I Decide to Become a Buddhist Teacher?
Material Support Only Provides Temporary Salvation. I was born in Oita prefecture. Along with my 3-year older brother, I grew up with...
What is The Letters?
Master Rennyo taught the teachings of Master Shinran accurately to an enormous number of people. Letters written by Master Rennyo to the...