Convenience or Inconvenience: Which To Choose? (Part 2)
(Read previous part HERE) “Every person who has ever been legitimately successful has formed the habit of doing things that others don’t...
Convenience or Inconvenience: Which To Choose? (Part 1)
Ask someone which they like, convenience or inconvenience, and I think almost 100% of replies would be “convenience.” The more convenient...
THE BUDDHIST VILLAGE: Come and Enjoy the Beauty of the Nature
Caption from Left ▲There are many gazebos in various places in the Buddhist Village. You can cool off on a hot summer’s day, and even on...
I Too Have Become A Shinran Follower
Let us introduce our Buddhist friends who joined the Correct Object of Reverence Granting Ceremony on the day before the Youth Assembly...
The Great Earthquake and the 750th Anniversary
No one could hardly believe their eyes. The best disaster damage prevention plan in the world was smashed by the unexpectedly massive...
Letters from Dharma Friends
Amida’s Salvation is Unconditional Alice Marsh, Missionary I was so grateful that you held a lecture for us the missionaries although you...