An Exceptional Sense of Gratitude (Part 1)
Amida's Gifts of Radiant Joy and Vigor to Overcome Any Difficulties March 11, at 14:46 local time ... A massive 9.0 magnitude quake hit...
Perception is Reality
“We need to get worthy of our own selves and understand that no one is more deserving of our best behavior than we are.” Rochelle...
Celebration of the Births of Two Masters at the 2,000-Tatami-Mat Hall
Special memorial services will be held to remember the virtue of Master Shinran, who founded Pure Land Shin Buddhism, and Master Rennyo,...
West to East, and to Buddhism
The Shinran Followers in Brazil held Ho’on’ko in November. A new member, Tales Mendonsa, gave a testimonial expressing how grateful he...
Towards Amida’s Salvation
Until We Reach the Point of Ichinen Where Doubt towards Amida’s Vow Is Dispelled At the grand opening of the Yamagata-Shounai Center on...
Takamori-sensei's Message for 2015 (Part 2)
(Read Part 1 HERE) The story of the development of iPS cells today is similar. Even if the principle by which a certain illness may be...
Takamori-sensei's Message for 2015 (Part 1)
We Were Born into This World to Hear and Believe Amida’s Vow from Its Origin to Its Outcome Amida Buddha, the master of all buddhas...
One Life, One Task (Part 2)
(Read Part 1 HERE) A Teaching not based on Cause and effect Recently the founder of the Unification church, also known as the Moonies,...
One Life, One Task (Part 1)
I have always loved listening to music. When I was in my early twenties, and going to college, I would often listen to music from the...
For the Sake of Public Good
The other day while I was walking in my neighborhood, I saw a big plastic case that someone dropped in the middle of the street. It was...