Frank discussion on Buddhism
The day before the web conference, Kazuki (Shinyubu — staff department) carries a laptop computer with care when he rides on the bus from...
Shinran and Causality that Runs through the Three Worlds (Part 2)
(Read the previous part HERE) Let us imagine a scenario that might serve as an example. Someone kills another person and is sentenced to...
Shinran and Causality that Runs through the Three Worlds (Part 1)
By Kentetsu Takamori Q: I understand that Buddhism teaches “causality through the three worlds.” What exactly does that mean? What is the...
At Last the Message Is on Its Way to Us in Beautiful English
The spring wind has carried to us a wonderful present. Starting from this month, the in-progress English translation of the sequel to You...
Attaining The Same Mind As Master Shinran
The Purpose of Writing Shōshinge Master Shinran put his blood, sweat and tears into writing each character of Shōshinge, which consists...
Thank-You Letters
Two Kinds of Doubt Nicola Gant,Britain Thank you so much for your sermon in the 2000 Tatami Mat Hall. I listened to it via the Internet....
Awe at the 2,000 Mat Hall Forms their Bond with Buddhism
“The 2,000 Tatami Mat Hall is a place for conveying Master Shinran’s teachings correctly,” said Mr. Makoto Maruya and his wife, Sayoko...
The Song of the Pure Land School (Part 2)
(Read previous part HERE) [Explanation] The 1st lyrical lines expresses the Joy of Meeting Buddhism. “The deepest teaching” refers to...
The Song of the Pure Land School (Part 1)
We received a question from a reader as follows: Question. Tell me the meaning of SHIN SHU SHU KA (The Song of Shin Buddhism). Answer....
An Exceptional Sense of Gratitude (Part 2)
Amida's Gifts of Radiant Joy and Vigor to Overcome Any Difficulties (Read Part 1 HERE) The benevolence of Amida Buddha and those who have...