Being saved through listening alone the ship of Amida’s great compassion
Master Shinran described Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow as “the ocean-like Vow of great compassion.” “Great compassion” refers to the immense...
The Importance of Sticking to the Path You Choose
I know it’s always very difficult to stick without question to the path you chose at the beginning. When you are driving on a freeway,...
The Training Course at the Buddhist Academy
“I Never Imagined There Would Be a Place Like This in the Ephemeral World We Live.” We have received letters from our Dharma friends who...
Born in the Village of Devout Shin Buddhists
I was born in Torigoe Village in Ishikawa Prefecture, which is well-known for the uprisings of the Ikko sect in the historical Kaga...
Seeking Amida’s Salvation from Countless Aeons Back
The painful sea of birth-and-death knows no bounds. Long have we been sinking in its waters. Only the ship of Amida’s universal Vow ...
The Impact of Unlocking Tannisho
At the Risk of Their Lives to Kyoto? Why did they go to Kyoto tosee Master Shinran at therisk of their lives? “We just live...
There is a Great Ship of Salvation
Learning from Shinran, the Light of the World Vol. 3 Jane: In the third anime, Jurenbo and Anrakubo talked about Amida’s salvation using...
Master Shinran’s Teachings and Obon
Q: For those of us listening to Shinran’s words, what is the significance of the midsummer Bon Festival? A: The holiday is popularly...
A Bird's-Eye View of the Headquarters
The Japanese edition of BVT now has a “bird’s eye” view—Introducing the camera-equipped drone. An unmanned aerial vehicle, (commonly...
A New Castle of Namu Amida Butsu
Shimane prefecture, Japan A new Shinran Center of six characters of Namu Amida Butsu has come into existence in Ooda city, Shimane...