Life Changes in The Instant
On page 36 of YOU WERE BORN FOR A REASON there is a quote from the book The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. The quote is, “Life...
Human Desire Is Bottomless Indeed
In Japan, there is an old saying which expresses the five wishes of human beings. It goes like this: “The season should be always spring....
I Want to Know “Why We Live”
Lecture Report from Kyoto This spring, in Kyoto, we often saw Buddhist lectures and study sessions overflowing with people. The phrase on...
Reciting the Nembutsu Is A Very Good Deed
The Law of Cause and Effect tells me that seeds sown will never fail to grow and every effect has its own cause, and there is no...
Debate Over the Meaning of Faith
The interpretation of the meaning of the word “Faith” or Shinjin (as it is known in Japanese) is a word that is open to various...
If You Don’t Feel Grateful to Your Parents, It’s Because You Take No Joy in Having Been Born And Bei
Continued... Read the previous part HERE 3) The Debt of Gratitude to Parents for Forgetting All Their Pain Once the Child Is Born This...
If You Don’t Feel Grateful to Your Parents, It’s Because You Take No Joy in Having Been Born And Bei
Let us read one chapter from a best-selling book written by Kazushi Okamoto, a Buddhist teacher The most complex problems in human...
Buddhism in Essence: Heated Debate Between a Monk & a Taoist
Q: In essence, what does Buddhism teach? A: In ancient China there was a monk named “Birdʼs Nest” who always sat and meditated in a tree....
“Why We Live” Reaches Myanmar
Dr. Umehara delivered a lecture to 200 young people. Buddhist teachings have spread not only in Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines,...
Master Shinran's Teachings and Obon
Q: For those of us listening to Shinran’s words, what is the significance of the midsummer Bon Festival? A: The holiday is popularly...