A Message from Chushingura (Part 3) - A Story from Japanese History
(Read Part 2 HERE) Tragedy that Highlights the Folly of Our Worldly Passions Asano looks down on Kira. Butchering the enemy in your mind...
A message from Chushingura (Part 2) - A Story from Japanese History
(Read Part 1 HERE) Tragedy that Highlights the Folly of Our Worldly Passions When both sides don't have enough consideration toward each...
A message from Chushingura (Part 1) - A Story from Japanese History
Tragedy that Highlights the Folly of Our Worldly Passions A samurai doesnʼt always take his own life. One of the most popular Japanese...
A Bridge between Buddhism and Germany with Naze Ikiru 2
Noriko Ishida (47), a homemaker who has been living in Germany for more than 20 years, achieved her long-time goal of listening to the...
Faith That Is Common For All
There are a series of advertisements that have caught my attention. The pictures display how people who are looking at the same thing...
What a Shame I wasn’t Serious in Pursuing the Truth Even Though I had Encountered It!
My parents and maternal grandparents have been Shinran Followers since before I was born. My mother always told me that I had been abroad...
People Today Don’t Need Faith, Do They? Isn’t Faith Old-fashioned?
Q: I’m a high school student, and I don’t understand why people need anything so old-fashioned as faith. Is that what Shinran taught?...
Wherever We Are Human Beings are the Same (and other thank you letters)
Master Shinran refers to our life as an ocean that is difficult to cross, and has been teaching us through his writing for 800 years that...
The One and Only Message of Master Shinran
Master Rennyo stated that Master Shinran taught ‘faith’ alone throughout his life. Every religion tells you to “just believe,” but all of...
Everything He Had Done Was Worthless
This is a continuation from last month about the book The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion that is mentioned in chapter 6 of You...