The Deceaced Wife Guides the Husband
“Though I Have Always Heard That We Meet Only to Part …” As Master Shinran says, “Among the Eight Sufferings, the anguish of parting is...
Do We Go Straight to the Land of Bliss When We Die?
Q: According to teachers of the Jodo Shinshu sect that I have heard, merely reciting the nembutsu guarantees that you will go to the Land...
Believing in the Law
When an accident happens we look for the cause. We try to find the cause because we don’t want the same outcome to occur again. We look...
Is My Life An Endless Marathon?
Why I have resolved to dedicate my life to the teachings of Master Shinran. When I was little, I would often catch grasshoppers in the...
“Why We Live” & Master Rennyo
Uncompromising Missionary Work Creates the Biggest Religious Community Why were we born? For what reasons do we live? Why is it that no...
A Lesson from Gardening
There is a lemon tree in the backyard of the house where I live. It’s not the prettiest of lemon trees but it produces lemons regularly,...
In Buddhism Cleaning is a Very Important Practice
Now the FIFA World Cup is over. Brazil was defeated in the semi-final and again missed the championship while hosting the games. As I’m...
Honey drops of Dharma Falling on the Disaster Area
Buddhist Friends There Hope to “Survive and Listen to Buddhism.” Tohoku district is now struggling to rise from the great earthquake....
This Flyer Has Saved My Life
Ms. Tanaka had been leading a painful life, but she never lost hope. “I’d like to get married…” “It’d be nice to have a child…” Those...
What is a Buddha?
There are many different religions in this world, but Buddhism is one of the major ones. Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddha; it is...