Are You Blaming Others for Your Misfortune?
I didn’t have much experience flying before I came to Los Angeles. Once my flight to Japan took a long time to take off due to bad...
Bonds to Buddhism in Manila
After Ho’on’ko in Toyama, I went to Manila in the Philippines. Inspired by a new member from that country, and my many encounters with...
Australian Shin Buddhist Priest Praises You Were Born For A Reason
This book is written for contemporary people from a broad perspective. Its logic has no ambiguity. It boldly states Master Shinran’s...
The Joy of Encountering Shinran
Shinran and the Purpose of Life Q: My life is so full of suffering that sometimes I wonder why I am living, and what the point of working...
Better the Pauper’s Single Candle Than the Rich Man’s Ten Thousand Candles
When Shakyamuni Buddha was alive, a beggar woman called Nanda saw people giving lamps as donations to the Buddha and wanted to do the...
Buddhism Requires Us to See the Truth Clearly
Q: My parents often listen to Buddhist sermons, and they tell me the importance of resignation (akirame). But if we were resigned about...
When Appearances No Longer Deceive
At a recent Q&A on Unlocking Tannisho Takamori Sensei spoke about the Kanto followers who traveled the arduous journey by foot to Kyoto...
The Razor’s Edge
What is the difference between success and failure? History has shown that often times it’s not very much. This slight difference has...
What does the word Buddhism mean?
The Difference between Buddhism, Buddhas,and Sakyamuni Buddha Buddhism means the teachings conveyed by a Buddha. But then who is a...
Shinran’s Dreams: The Dream Revelation in Shinaga, Part 2
Read Part 1 HERE “You have ten years left to live”: For the nineteenyear- old Shinran, this was surely the most sobering part of the...