Why I Decided to Dedicate My Life to Buddhism
Missionary, Kouhei Harada was born in 1972 in central Japan (Fukui prefecture) as a first son to a father who was a bank manager and a...
Hardship Turns Into Joy
Recently when I was flying on a long distance international flight I had a stopover in San Francisco on my way to Los Angeles. Most times...
I Felt the Great Compassion of Amida behind the Strict Law of Cause and Effect
Thirty thousand, six hundred and fifty one. This is the number of people who committed suicide last year in Japan. I was almost going to...
Personal Memoir: Where Did My Late Wife’s Soul Go?
Dr. Takashi Shimabukuro, an obstetrician and gynecologist, who comes to the 2000-Tatami-Mat Hall twice a month from Okinawa Prefecture,...
How Much Unseen Effort They Are Putting in
I created a swan out of an apple during Thanksgiving lunch at a friend’s house. Everyone there was so happy to see it. On the subject of...
Book Review: “You Were Born For A Reason is a Solemn and Profound Book.”
You Were Born For A Reason contains the words of Master Shinran that clarify what the purpose of life is. Since this book has also been...
"Isn't Buddhism a Philosophy of Resignation?"
Q: My parents often listen to Buddhist sermons, and they tell me the importance of resignation (akirame). But if we were resigned about...
Shinran and Discrimination
Q: People are all equal, we are told, but I don’t believe it. Someone born into a wealthy family who excels at athletic and academic...
Seeing Oneself in Others
I once knew someone who saw it as a non-issue being late for an appointment. They would keep others waiting for as long as they needed...
Family Unite, Brings Light to Town
I was born in Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture to parents who are Shinran followers. I chanted Shoshinge, The Hymn of True Faith, and I...