Satoshi's Book Club
A friend of mine said, “I don’t like him.” I asked her why. Then she said, “Because he often tells me things that aren’t true.” I didn’t...
The Power of Words
A book that is causing a stir among teenagers at the moment is “Thirteen Reasons Why” by Jay Asher. I decided to read it. You might...
Healthy and Delicious Bread is the Progeny of the Baker’s Extraordinary Effort
Recently I gave a talk on Buddhism to kids. I explained about the law of cause and effect, which, for little kids, seemed a little too...
Whose Fault is it that Life is Painful? (Part 2)
*This is a continuation of yesterday's article Whose Fault is it that Life is Painful (Part 1) - Click here to read Part 1* Why We Can't...
Whose Fault is it that Life is Painful? (Part 1)
It is said to have been one hundred years since advice columns started being published in newspapers. The reason why they have been...
The Light of Buddhism for a Mother Sick in Bed
I had Shinrankai hold my mother’s funeral. My mother passed away within a month after being diagnosed with cancer. Though I have been...
Which is More Important, Time or Money?
In today’s society, capitalism is the way. It’s even spreading to the East, getting into the Chinese Communist economy. There is a lot to...
The Path
“I have only 200 yen in my purse. Please come home, darling.” My mother was crying down the phone to my father. This is my first memory...
A Thunderous Roar: The Destination of the Soul
If our physical body can be compared to a speck of foam that floats along the surface of a river, our “eternal life” would be the mighty...
A Prisoner with Shining Eyes: “These Words are My Roots Now”
I keep the book you gave me in my room and read it all the time,” said “S”, in his 30’s who has committed a crime and was serving time in...